North Shore Ashiatsu And Massage

'Feel Better Today!'

Deepfeet Bar Therapy® Continuing Education

Continuing Education for Massage Professionals

Extend your career with the art of Ashiatsu!

Sign up or find more information here:

Beginner Courses in Ashiatsu are



DeepFeet 1 Basics Oahu and The Big Island, Hawaii

Kailua-Kona  March 30-April 1st

O'ahu Auguat 24-26

October 26-28           

3 days, 25 CE Hours Tuition Total $795 

Non-Refundable Deposit: $325 then $470 to Instructor  **Kailua-Kona $200 Deposit $595 to Instructor 
Pre-requisite: Licensed Massage Therapist

We have designed a comprehensive three-day class that teaches licensed professionals how to administer barefoot massage techniques that offer students both posterior and anterior protocols. Barefoot massage techniques taught are western focused and includes cross-fiber friction, effleurage, petrissage, compression as well as trigger point and myofascial techniques.

You will have lots of “feet on” time in this class. Though we use the parallel bars in the ceiling to regulate our weight, we do have some fitness levels /weight guidelines associated with taking this course. Our teaching methodologies are designed to work with each practitioner’s skill level, physical characteristics and learning style. The emphasis during the three-day workshop will be on body mechanics, barefoot application, contraindications, certification, and bar construction.

This introduction to barefoot massage course includes both posterior and anterior protocols so that upon completion the body-worker will be able to deliver a 90 minute detailed supine and prone Ashiatsu session.

We not only do we train you how to use your foot as a massage tool – we also teach you trademarked sequence that has proven to be successful, so you will walk away with confidence and certainty to start practicing your newly acquired barefoot skills right away. Making sure you are safely up and operational before you leave the workshop is our number one priority. With over 25 years of experience, we set the standards when it comes to barefoot bar work..

This Dynamic Introduction to Ashiatsu Course covers the following: 

Posterior & Anterior Seated/Standing  Techniques

DeepFeet Methodology, Benefits, Guidelines

Table Set up, Equipment, Safety, Supplies

Body Mechanics, Contraindications

Communication & Terminology

Lubrication & Draping, Foot Care

Barefoot History, Bar Construction

Marketing Ashiatsu

Certification and more..

A non-refundable deposit of $325 is required to hold your spot. Once you complete the registration process a confirmation email will be sent to you. The remaining tuition balance will be due to your instructor two weeks prior to class. Upon completion of this course, you will receive 25 credit hours, which you can apply to your NCBTMB certification, AMTA or ABMP renewal. To become certified in Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy students are required to perform a practical on day three of class, complete an online quiz and submit 20 documented practice sessions.

Register here:

Ashi Sutra

September 13-14 Retreat on the North Shore with Instructor Al Ploiarco, Otiginator of Ashi Sutra from Madison WI. Massage Champioships Participant- Gold and Silver Medalist- World, European, Paris, SE Asia, Singapore 

2 Days, 16 Credits

Tuition: $575

Deposit: $175 Then $400 to Instructor 

Pre-Req: Licensed Massage Therapist

Discover and experience ASHI SUTRA, the art of therapeutic ASHI-compression combined with a flowing series of THREAD-stretching bodywork.

The term "Ashi" means "foot" in Japanese, while "Sutra" or "thread" comes from Sanskrit, collectively signifying "foot and thread." This practice utilizes therapeutic Ashi-Compression to create an opportunity for the body to repair and reconnect, effectively "suturing" what has become fragmented. Combining these elements in Ashi Sutra creates a synergistic experience that enhances their benefits. It helps unwind muscles and joints, providing immediate relief, improved stability, and enhanced invigoration, and contributes to a lifetime of healthy movement.

ASHI SUTRA can be performed on or off a raised or lowered massage table or Thai yoga mat. It allows clients to be fully dressed or properly draped and does not require massage oil. The technique does not need to be attached to a table, making it flexible for various settings. It can be utilized as a standalone session or with any Deepfeet basics, advanced sequences, or traditional massage techniques. THREADS and ashiatsu-overhead bars work beautifully together. Ashi Sutra is excellent for demonstrating skills at community festival events, wellness expos, and massage competitions. The deposit is $200 to reserve your seat in this class

Register here: Scroll under Location to Oahu or Kailua-Kona 

Ashi Thai - Oahu

March 16-17

April 27-28

2 days, 16 CE Hours $550

Pre-requisite: Licensed Massage Therapist, LAc
Non-Refundable Deposit: $200 then $350 to Instructor

Ashi-Thai is an expression of traditional Thai stretches that have been modified utilizing the overhead bar system and therapists’ body so no heavy lifting or bending occurs at the waist. This flowing and rhythmic approach to Thai massage was developed for Ashiatsu therapists seeking to expand their barefoot knowledge and add more strokes to their Ashi tool bag. Ashi-Thai can easily be incorporated into a regular Ashiatsu session or can also be considered as a stand-alone treatment.

The Ashi-Thai workshop has been divided into two different modules, the posterior module & the anterior module. The combination of techniques has been arranged following traditional Thai energy lines and stretches for elongating and relieving tightness in commonly used muscle groups. Clients usually feel more range of motion, less tension and an overall sense of balance and well-being. At the end of this course you will have a unique new skill set that your clients will be extremely impressed with.

Register here:

DeepFeet 3 Sports

Introduction to Anterior, Sidelying, and Posterior Sports Techniques


April 6-7 cxld now May 18-19

June 22-23

2 days - 16 CE - Total Tuition $550
Non-Refundable Deposit: $200 then balance of $350 to the instructor

Pre-requisite: Certified in DeepFeet 1 Basics

The Deepfeet 3 Sports™ curriculum uses barefoot techniques to enhance client’s posture, range of motion, and muscle responsiveness. This practice compromises a set of unique and proprietary foundational and structural methods, which we refer to as the “3 Connects” involving compression, muscle stripping, and activation. 

These three techniques work together to create an effective muscle release method, benefiting clients who experience pain and limited range of motion due to repetitive stress injuries, workout-related soreness, and past traumas or sports injuries resulting in scar tissue formation.

During the application, clients are assisted through multi-positioning to locate the anterior, lateral, medial, and sagittal muscles concerning surrounding structures and landmarks. Upon completing the training, students will gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to perform a 75-90 minute Ashiatsu session that includes posterior, anterior, and side-lying barefoot sports massage techniques.

Register here:


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